Today is the voting day at the NEA RA. Voter turnout is essential in any election, especially the election for NEA officers. I humbly ask for your vote. Your vote makes a difference.

Thank you!

Campaign Trail Photo Album!


Taking pictures with members and advocates is something I enjoy! It provides an opportunity for more personal & meaningful conversations and allows me to connect with people on a deeper level. These pictures brought back a lot of great memories from the past year!


 TRIVIA 2 - It’s a fast-paced week; it can be hard to find time to relax. But did you know that playing a trivia game can help you relax? Trivia games are a great way to challenge your mind and learn new things. It can help to improve your mood and reduce stress. Try these questions in TRIVIA 2!


 When I ran for the Office of Vice President in 2019, I committed to goals set in the areas of Strength in the Organization, Future Growth, and Long-term Stability.  During this term, I accomplished the following:

********Strength in the Organization**********

·   Maintained my open-door policy, “All of Team NEA,” to serve as a mentor, coach, advisor, and supporter to anyone seeking my years of experience and knowledge.

·   Chaired the NEA Conference Alignment Team - successfully pivoted all conferences to a virtual environment during lockdown while developing safety protocols and risk mitigation strategies to ensure a safe return to in-person national conferences.

·   Chaired the 2022 NEA Leadership Summit implementing our new protocols and strategies to safeguard all participants in our first return to in-person conferences.

**********Future Growth**********

·   Utilized new virtual capabilities to engage more members in NEA activities/meetings.

·   Focused on issue-based organizing around school safety, school funding, salary, and benefits.  Walked strike lines in Sacramento and Oakland, fighting for their students.

·   Co-chaired and co-created a set of Principles to guide the Task Force on the Future of Assessment.

*********Long-term Stability**********

·   As Budget Committee Vice-Chair ensured continued focus on NEA’s financial stability.

·   Served as a resource coach to affiliates on the fiscal health and long-term stability.

·   Leading transition of New NEA Member Benefits CEO.

In my next term of office as Vice President, I will focus on:

********Strength in the Organization**********

·   Continue to fight relentlessly for our members and diverse population of students, so ALL receive the support needed to ensure success.

·   Enhance education, racial, and social justice agendas and tools that further lift up equity and respect for all.

·   Identify opportunities for educators to tell their stories to the public with the long-range intent to create a more positive narrative around public education.

**********Future Growth**********

·   Organize around issues that impact the daily work lives of our members.

·   Identify and grow partnerships with affiliates to enhance our dynamic alignment.

·   Examine opportunities that will grow the profession and our membership.

*********Long-term Stability**********

·   Identify risks and responses for emergency global events.

·   Enhance the organization’s relevancy to all members.

·   Examine and enhance structures, processes, and practices that promote and support a culture of continuous collaboration throughout NEA’s internal and external systems.

Working together, we can change the world!
- Princess


 Participating in the RA can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be taxing. Playing a quick trivia game can be a great way to boost motivation & relieve stress. Try these questions in TRIVIA 1!

- click here-


 I was thrilled to speak at the Aspiring Educators GramAE Awards Ceremony! These are the students who will carry on the work of our union. They bring new ideas, perspectives, and questions to our movement, such as how artificial intelligence in the classroom changes learning dynamics and how teacher evaluations affect future educators from marginalized communities. This video highlights two of my answers to the Aspiring Educators Caucus questionnaire for candidate endorsement.



Listening to inspirational music can help you stay energized and focused during the RA! One motivational song I like is "You Gotta Be" by Des'ree. The lyrics are relevant to all education leaders because we often face complex and demanding work. As I head into the last week of my re-election campaign, these lyrics remind me that I can make a difference in the lives of our members and the students they serve!

- click here for video-


 Please watch my re-election video and learn more about my vision for the future of the NEA. I will work tirelessly to ensure that the NEA is a strong advocate for educators and the students we serve - and that our voice as education professionals is heard nationwide.


This video highlights responses from my leadership survey. I am grateful to hear your feedback on what I’m doing well and where I can improve. Your contribution will help me be a better leader for you and the NEA. My heart is with our members; I will always put them first!